The show was held on Oct. 26- 28, 2022.

Scene from Day 1 (Oct. 26th)

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554* Exhibitors Showcased the Actual Products

*including concurrent shows

Newly Launched – 1st GREEN FACTORY Expo [Nagoya]

100* Conference Sessions by Industry Leaders Co-held

*including concurrent shows

Wataru Izumiya
President & CEO,
Sangyo Times, Inc.

Hirofumi Inoue
Senior General Manager, Technical Project Field, Vehicle Technology Field,
President, Advanced R&D and Engineering Company,
Toyota Motor Corp. 

 *Honorific omitted.

Sustainable Manufacturing Solutions such as Carbon Neutral Tech. Gathered at GREEN FACTORY Expo [Nagoya]

Concurrent Shows

For details of each show, please jump to the websites.

Thorough measures against Covid-19

Exhibition will be held taking safety measures following the guidelines of the government, municipalities and the exhibition industry association

The upcoming show is in Tokyo, Jan. 2023

Please also visit the Tokyo Edition.